Coulson & Associates provides assistance to hospital Boards, community health organizations, family health teams and other health care organizations in strategic planning, executive recruitment and the development of good governance practices. 

David Coulson has over twenty-five years of consulting experience and holds the OHA’s Certificate for Implementing the Guide to Good Governance.  He is familiar with the OHA  Guide to Good Governance and uses this guide in developing Board governance education  sessions.  He has participated in many governance education sessions provided by the OHA.  He assists hospital Boards in the development of strategic and operational plans that  address changing community needs, LHIN priorities, human resource challenges and financial  constraints.  He has also assisted Boards in the recruitment of new Chief Executive Officers,  Directors of Patient care and family physicians.  He has conducted operational reviews of both  small and large community hospitals with a special focus on Board processes, committee  structures, levels of authority and responsibility and lines of communication. 

David has also participated in many OHA educational programs as a Chair and presenter and has developed Board education workshops and education sessions for hospital Boards.  David has been a Board member of a small rural hospital in Haliburton for twelve years, a member of a Hospital Foundation for six years and a member of the OHA Board representing OHA Region #2 for two years.  He has a Master’s Degree in Health Administration from the University of Ottawa and has been a member of the Canadian College of Health Service Executives.